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Why Dr. Oz Will Win His Senate Election; Doctor + Bad Medicine + GOP Ignorance = Political Success

Written By: Anton Sawyer

Dr Oz
Office of United States Senator Claire McCaskill, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Why Dr. Oz Will Win His Senate Election; Doctor + Bad Medicine + GOP Ignorance = Political Success

I’ve always felt that Dr. Rand Paul and Dr. Ronny Jackson had all of the needed credentials to make the Republican party feel better, even smarter, about who they were in the realm of medicine and that would have been enough. Apparently, I was wrong.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is running for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania … and he’s most likely going to win.

Though most people believe his victory will be a certainty because of his television program and widespread exposure (much like a certain ex-President), I think it has more to do with his ability to “play ball” when it comes to the right kind of medicine, and his past shows that he is totally on-brand with the GOP’s interpretation of science and medicine.

So, I ask you to join me on this trip where I’m going to look at how Dr. Oz will fit in with the party’s politics, and how it can potentially embolden people to make horrific decisions with potential decades of negative implications.

First, we need to swerve a little to look at what the other side of the fence has to offer in Dr. Anthony Fauci—and it isn’t all roses. Trust me, the link between the two will be clear by the end.


In an attempt to maintain complete transparency, all research and statistical fact-checking for all articles can be found in the bibliography linked here.

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For forty years, Fauci has been involved in one way or another with the medical testing and prevention of potentially catastrophic diseases for the government. His record has been plagued by inconsistencies throughout. In the 1980s, Dr. Fauci served as a volunteer physician in Haiti. This time he served there had a profound impact on his worldview, especially when it came to AIDS. In his senior government role, he unfairly stigmatized Haitians as a disease vector for AIDS. This proclamation decimated Haiti’s tourist industry, which has not recovered to this day. Haitians in the US were subject to brutal discrimination, especially when trying to find work or rent apartments over the concern of being carriers of the disease. Also, because of how badly he had portrayed the AIDS epidemic as it pertained to the LGBTQ+ community, the San Francisco group called “Act Up” sent an open letter to Dr. Fauci excoriating him over his inaccuracies.

We’ve also seen how the Covid-19 pandemic has played out with Fauci at the helm. I have written before about how people put their own ideas of personal freedom and liberties above the safety of others, and since this reaction is in-line with the anti-maskers of the 1910s and early 20s, it’s impossible to say that the actions of the citizens of the 21st century aren’t a massively contributing factor.

But there have been certain points where Fauci gave bad advice which would end up as being fodder for those who opposed him. In a February 5, 2020, email to American University President Sylvia Burwell, who served as HHS secretary under former President Barack Obama, Fauci advised her against wearing a mask at the airport. “The typical mask you buy in the drugstore is not really effective at keeping the virus out, which is small enough to pass through the material,” he wrote. Yet there have also been times that Fauci’s expertise has helped prevent other pandemics—namely Ebola. To keep one step ahead of that disease, he would treat Ebola patients himself. It was through this experience that he was able to help the Obama administration stave off the horrific affliction on a global scale. And that’s the point; when removing all of the noise about whether Fauci helped or hurt the world with his science, the part to focus on is how he responds and what happens AFTER a pandemic or epidemic hits worldwide.

Fauci folds like a table during a WWE wrestling match.

His defensive abilities are terrible. Sure, he was eerily correct in an email he sent to Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson on March 2nd, 2020 (when there were 91 confirmed Covid cases in the US) when he said that “A pandemic now appears likely. Depending on the mortality rate, this could result in hundreds of thousands of deaths.” He claimed that even if the mortality was 1% and just 5% of the US population got it, “we could have a few hundred thousand deaths.” But given the fact that in the beginning, Fauci was receiving 2,000 emails a day, with new information coming out daily, it was a constant game of catch-up, we weren't prepared for it on any level.

Though some of the continued outbreaks of Covid variants and their impact can fall on him and some of his decisions. As a doctor, you must account for any and all potential variables that can be thrown your way at any given time.

The realities of a situation when confronted live and in-person often don’t go the way that you think or have planned for. It’s this exact reason why the thought of so many Republican doctors becoming elected leaders that can directly impact the medical community through nationwide legislation is chilling. To them, science is stagnant and there is to be no consensus about treatment plans as every single remedy should be a decision between a person and their doctor only. There is no way that these stationary medical practices are going to be able to pull the nation out of a pandemic—Covid or otherwise. Much like Fauci, under the GOP’s oppositional guidance, stopping Covid now that it’s in full swing is going to require a defensive front that the Republican party cannot create.

In fact, if I’m not mistaken, stagnant science and no consensus of treatment are the first two courses taught at the “Prager University Presents the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons School of Medical Quackery.” THE school for all GOP congressional doctors.

Enter Republican Senator from Kentucky Dr. Rand Paul.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a legitimate organization that is dedicated to helping people find doctors that “hate the government.” Though AAPS often takes positions that are associated with conservative groups, it sometimes goes even further, pushing fringe views that most mainstream conservatives do not endorse, such as the belief that mandatory vaccination is “equivalent to human experimentation.” They also believe Medicare is “evil.” Off-topic, but I can only imagine how terrible their HMO network must be.

One of the more well-known members of this group is Dr. Rand Paul, who was outed as a member in 2010. Since then, his spokespeople have come out and said that while the senator is no longer a member (though there’s no real way to tell how active he may be behind the scenes), he is supportive of AAPS’s fight against Obamacare.

One of his more shining examples of toeing the line for the Republican party was when Dr. Paul was suspended by YouTube and other media outlets due to the egregious nature of his inaccurate statements about mask ineffectiveness when it comes to Covid-19. Paul falsely claimed in the removed video, “Most of the masks you get over the counter don’t work. They don’t prevent infection," adding that “cloth masks don’t work." Of course, being suspended for giving out misinformation has become a badge of honor amongst the GOP. After the suspension, Paul tweeted, “A badge of honor ... leftwing cretins at YouTube banning me for 7 days for a video that quotes 2 peer-reviewed articles saying cloth masks don’t work.” Don’t forget this is the exact manipulation that I mentioned earlier when it came to Fauci’s statement being anti-science fodder.

With Paul, you can clearly see the razor-sharp thought process when it comes to the correct way to combat the Covid virus—stay home. In the fall of 2021, Paul reintroduced his SCHOOL Act. At its essence, if you refuse to have your child vaccinated and they are forced to stay home, you can get additional government assistance to homeschool them, thereby ensuring the right to the autonomy of bodily choices you and your child possess. The biggest narrative pushed by Paul and his cohorts is the idea that the non-need for vaccines is done to help boost natural immunity. But the only way you can be exposed to more bugs to get a better immunity is by being around different people and environments.

In layman’s terms, it means the Paul/AAPS’ medical remedy for Covid-19 is to stay at home and build up your natural immunity by not coming into contact with any different or unique bacteria’s that will help said immunity build. Keeping this logic in mind …

Enter the medical genius that is Dr. Oz.

It’s no secret that Oz has come under scrutiny for many, many years over what has been considered “junk science.” In a report in the British Medical Journal, the researchers, led by Christina Korownyk of the University of Alberta, charged medical research either didn’t substantiate—or flat out contradicted—more than half of Oz’s recommendations. “Recommendations made on medical talk shows often lack adequate information on specific benefits or the magnitude of the effects of these benefits,” the article stated. This article took place shortly after a study he widely trumpeted lauding coffee bean weight-loss pills was retracted despite Oz’s assertions it could “burn fat fast for anyone who wants to lose weight.” The list goes on.

Yet as we’ve seen from the revolutionary methods adopted by the AAPS and the GOP medical community overall, Dr. Oz is just their kind of chap. Between Oz being in-line with the party in almost every way, I am sure that the GOP is going to throw a lot of money and support behind him for the run. It’s this lack of scientific knowledge possessed by the Republican party as a whole, along with their affinity for electing TV stars with no prior governing experience, and the mere fact he has the title of “doctor” are all the reasons why I think he’ll win this Senate run.

Using his in-laws' address in Pennsylvania to allow the run to occur (even though he’s been a long-time resident of New Jersey) shows that he’s already comfortable with playing fast and loose with certain regulations.

As a good Republican, he also makes sure to always skate barely on this side of legal in doing so. If in his young political career he has already been taught the ways to circumnavigate any difficulties that may arise in getting what he wants, then the sky is the limit. And given the fact that he’s made tens of millions of dollars off his doctor “credentials” from Americans nationwide, it shouldn’t be that difficult to pull the wool over the eyes of those who live in a single state. The AAPS will be so proud to add another member to the flock.


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